How to buy LiDAO

Purchase from PancakeSwap

  • Go to PancakeSwap or you can buy directly through Pancakeswap via the LiDAO website

  • Connect your wallet to PancakeSwap and use token contract address 0x19567B1B2Dc33Ab606500405b3229E66330Ee413

  • If this is the first time you are purchasing LiDAO from PancakeSwap, you need to APPROVE the token.

  • Proceed to APPROVE the token and wait for the transaction to complete.

  • Enter the amount of BUSD or LiDAO you would like to purchase.

  • Set your desired "Slippage".

In a period of high market volatility, you may need to set higher slippage for the transaction to be complete. Any failed transaction will cause you a gas fee (charged by the miners).

  • Click on "SWAP" and approve the transaction on your wallet.

  • Once your transaction is completed, you can view your LiDAO balance in your wallet.

Last updated